Monday, November 16, 2009

Continuity Task

We were given a task in which we had to film two people having a conversation, focusing of keeping good continuity between shots. We were given a shot list in which we had to abide carefully by. As a group we drew up a story board based on the shot list, our story board was good but in parts needed more detail, especially when showing what shots were which. When planning our filming we had to think of the 180 degree rule, we had to plan different places for the camera to go without breaking this rule. Our filming was sucessful and we had lots of shots to work with, however not all were right for the final film. Some shots had others talking and laughing in the background, some shots had minor views of others in them and some of the scripted conversation was interupted or wrong. We over came these issues during editing using cutting to get rid of parts of the shots we did not want or need and we also used adobe after affects to edit out the reflection of the camera and a person in the dark window. After alot of editing and tweaking our film finally and sucessfully came together.

This is the first part of the storyboard, it shows the opening of the door (close up), the shot of the door knob then the character in the background (extreme close up of door knob then extreme long shot of sofa), the shot of the character in the mirror (mid shot) and the shot of the character sitting down on the sofa (mid shot).

This is the second sheet of story boards it shows the character in the background and the other character walking over to the TV (long shot), the other character talking (mid shot), low angle shot of the other character (long mid shot) and a shot of both characters (extreme long shot to long shot).

This is the third sheet of the storyboards it shows the shot reverse shot of the two characters shouting (mid shots), the shot of both characters (long shot) and the shot of the head with the character in the background slightly out of focus (close up/ long shot).

The fourth sheet of storyboards show the characters expression (close up), the shot of the character exiting the location (long shot) and the final shot of the cats face (close up).

Targets: Set framing to foreground point, one part in the clip the actor lurches forward out of shot. Use of mid close up and close ups may be more effective in this clip.

Feedback: Effective use of sound both diegetic and non-diegetic, it is said to be "well mastered". Framing was mostly good but more close ups and mid close ups should have been used. Good continuity is the clip however there were some errors towards the end. Effective use of shot reverse shot. The 180 degree rule was abided by well. Use of after effects were acknowleged and approved of.

The grade we received was 32/60 putting us near the peak of level 2, I think this is an appropriate grade for our peice of work.

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